The Crown Garden


“The Crown Garden was created in partnership with Hallmark to provide fresh fruits, vegetables and flowers to the families who are staying at the Ronald McDonald Houses, and the Family Rooms. We welcome both novice and experienced gardeners to help tend the garden by planting, weeding, watering, and harvesting produce weekly. Join us to get your hands a little dirty, while filling your heart.”


  • Provide fresh produce to families staying at the Ronald McDonald Houses
  • Learn new gardening skills and crop rotation
  • Connect with other volunteers with similar interests and passion
  • Invite RMHC-KC Families to interact with and enjoy the garden space
  • Have fun!

2024 volunteer needs will be updated soon! 

Sign up to volunteer

Garden History and Hallmark partnerships

The Crown Garden was established in 2011 in partnership with Hallmark. Hallmark and its employees are long time friends and supporters of Ronald McDonald House Charities of Kansas City. One can literally see that the Crown Garden, built and maintained by a tremendous crop of employees, is no exception to their generosity. 

What we are planting this year

  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Sweet peppers
  • Cherries
  • Peaches
  • Strawberries
  • Blackberries
  • Blueberries
  • Herbs

What we’re harvesting this week and what we have in our kitchens

  • TBD